How to tie up and fish New Zealand Style

How to tie up and fish New Zealand Style

Known as Newzealand style or Klink and dink and somtimes dry dropper this meathod can be very effective and definatly one for the river angler, it can work in some stillwater situations were a hanging fly is the secret sauce.  Ive sent out some of these sets this month to my monthly river subscribers on so this should help any of you who need to know the set up and interested folks. 

Self Isolating In a Small Wave

Self Isolating In a Small Wave

Early season Lough tactics for a softer day.

With fishing in the wilds being one of the only appropriate things to be doing right now with the risk of spreading the virus.  I though I would give a short tactic I have found that works on days the wave is not as big and fish are looking for smaller flies. 

Leggy Johnston Bumble

Leggy Johnston Bumble

A little bit more info about one of our popular bumble patterns for the loughs a generally good wet pattern and can really be used in most loughs for browns salmon and seatrout. 

A Curse Of Caenis

A Curse Of Caenis

The Caenis hatch or anglers curse at it is commonly know can produce an amazing rise of fish but can be very frustrating.  On lakes all over the country you will be able to see just how many fish are in some of the venues that can seem void of fish at other times of the year.  Here are some tips I have discovered that I hope help you get to grips with Caeni fishing before you give up completly.  

Irish Salmon and Seatrout From a Boat.

Irish Salmon and Seatrout From a Boat.

I thought I would create a resource, for anyone interested in lough fishing salmon and seatrout in Ireland, and to share a few of my favourite spots, with advice on the time of year to fish them. I might live to regret giving away my favourite fishing places but sure, Ireland has a wealth of loughs where salmon and seatrout can be sought out; from Donegal in the north west, right down along the west coast, to Waterville on the south west coast. I mainly fish up north in Donegal and go down as far as Galway. The options available are plentiful but I had to draw the line somewhere, so I've chosen a few of my favourites.