Traditionally I have always fished lough Erne March April and May then neglected it once the pin fry are on. The pin fry as many know hatch and are so numourouse they can be like a soup in some places. Trout being a predator themselves and opertunistic turn their attention to this bounty and become nearly imposible to catch. I say imposible as many an angler has and do catch trout at this time of year but I have not experimented with this one. (maybe somone who has experience in this might want to share with us)
Anyway the pin fry are like this for about a month and once you begin to get into July Erne has a second wave of Mayfly and can fish (some would argue) better than it does in may. 2020 was a season I decided to give this a really good go. At this time of year you will get sedges mayfly olives and a host of other insects that will bring trout up. Also I believe larger trout that are wise to a stripped wet fly will come for a well presented natural looking dry fly so this is my prefered method even if rises are scarse.
My favourit fly for this time of year is a royal wulff in a 12 and a 10. Along with this the green and grey wulff we do with the florescent rib and some dry sedges. The royals will attract sedge feeders as well as fish on mays. It is also a great attractor pattern with the bright red target and peacock body.
My Royal Wulff
Some cdc oloves they can come in handy as well for small upwings
CDC dry peter is another great pattern that will sit up well in a wave.
The best time for this is from about mid July right through August.
Feel free to comment on our FB page on any other good days you have had or tips for the lough.